This was deeply inspiring Amy. Thank you for showing up to write it... the way these shared profound experiences carry forward into the world is miraculous. I have the baton now... 💐
This is beautiful, Amy! I love the image of ending up on a playground after so many years of living a restricted, work-focused life. You've earned your recess!
Lovely mantra "Keep playing!"
This was deeply inspiring Amy. Thank you for showing up to write it... the way these shared profound experiences carry forward into the world is miraculous. I have the baton now... 💐
And with it, you will return the inspiration.
I’m happy to learn more about your story and experiences, which inspire me! I want to connect at that lovely table!❤️
The table is set and ready with coffee and scones any time!
This is beautiful, Amy! I love the image of ending up on a playground after so many years of living a restricted, work-focused life. You've earned your recess!
I love that you drew your playground, and have it to reference. And I agree, "keep playing" works!
Thank you for helping me create a whole new space to play with words!